Hi folks,
Lets discuss about life of a software engineer - the pressure, deadlines, conflicts, uncertainty, late night working, bugs, bashes, appraisal remarks, hike variance, uncertainty....etc: the reality
what the external world imagine us - secured life, great job, good salary: myth.
"My brother used to comment: If you throw a stone in chennai it may fall over street dog or software enginner- 24 hours day/night"
After my first stint in a small company i moved on to a reputed IT company in search of greener pastures. Every thing around me seems to be different from my older company - atmosphere, work culture, supervisors, colleagues and work . It seems i was lost in the ocean of the large company, during initial few months it was very difficult for me to coupe up to new job. I will return home completely tired and worn out. My family members and relatives who were in cloud nine after i got this job, consoled me that in such a big company there would be some pressure and complexity in work, which had to be matched.
Internally i would feel the pressure but i won't disclose it to them, many days i lost my sleep worrying about work. The first and foremost problem was fitting into a big project - handling a module according to requirements, schedule, methods, target set by some one else - process driven.
It was far different from my previous company where we are out own boss - we set our own requirements, methods, schedule and target to get result- result driven. In our older company we don't have resource or band-with for implementing a process, many times we use methods to get the result with minimum amount of effort, knowledge, resource and time (smart working).
WOW what a life........................
To be continued